We are a company of passionate writers and actors meeting to workshop and to help each other elevate our voices, craft, and storytelling skills.
The WOW Factor
The workshop meets once a week for one of our Writers in Rotation to present 25-30 pages of a feature or TV pilot. The pages are read live by professional actors, after which the company — writers and actors — gives constructive and actionable notes on story, craft, structure, tone, and voice.
DEADLINE: Rotation Writers present new pages about every six weeks. We discourage presenting the same pages twice.
Bring Us Your Passion
All SCREENWRITERS of All GENRES — large screen or small — are welcome to attend and apply for a Rotation Spot!
The Write On! Workshop hates doing homework. We are a professional workshop for established and emerging artists.
Keep The Lights On.
WOW is FREE for actors, who perform on a volunteer basis. Writers are also welcome to audit the workshop and participate in the notes session at no cost.
Rotation Writers are required to pay $30 per rotation — about every 6-weeks — to cover operational expenses.
Save The Date.
Thursdays, 7 pm to 8:30 pm.
Currently, all workshops are on ZOOM (can’t beat the parking).
[See schedule for Workshop Dates.]
Show Your Support.
Writers on Rotation should participate every week. If we are going to make the commitment to your scripts, we want your feedback on ours.
Join The WOW Company.
Writers: To join the rotation, reach out to Martin Fisher We recommend auditing a zoom workshop first to check out the vibe — and to get a feel for the room.
Actors: New actors are encouraged to drop in because, on any given night, an extra voice or two may be needed.
Group Dynamics.
There are 6 Screenwriters on active rotation, plus an ensemble of weekly actors. Writers attend every workshop, while actors show up when they are cast.
Auditors and friends of the group can request Zoom Invites.
Write On! Workshop was founded in 2019 by Martin Fisher, who leads the workshop.